Philips Achieva 1.5 T MRI Machine
Philips Achieva 1.5T XR MRI Machine
The Achieva 1.5T XR by Philips is
the only 1.5T MRI Scan Machine that can be upgraded to a 3.0T without swapping
the magnet. This allows a clinic or hospital to install an advanced 1.5T system
for use today and providing the flexibility to transition into a 3.0T MRI
machine in the future. This MRI machine also provides physicians a simple way
to transition to 3.0T that makes economic sense. It is more cost effective and
efficient than a traditional “forklift” upgrade, which requires system down
time, possible construction and the “heavy lifting” associated with room reconfigurations
to install a new magnet, power system and gradients.
The Achieva 1.5T XR is equipped with
proven X-series technology. It provides high resolution at maximum speed to
cover advanced applications. This MRI machine includes all of the advanced tools
and features of the Achieva 1.5T (SmartExam, expanded multi-channel SENSE coil
portfolio, & FreeWave platform) plus much of the same sophisticated
technology of the Acheiva 3.0T X series.
The Philips Achieva 1.5T A-Series MRI machine offers premium performance for
advanced clinical applications such as 3D cardiac imaging and 4D imaging. The
Philips Achieva 1.5T A-Series MRI machine also features Philips' SmartExam
technology which provides automated scanning, planning and processing for
increased productivity.The Philips Achieva 1.5T SE MRI machine is a low-cost, compact MR imaging system with a patient-friendly design. A scalable RF receiver, parallel imaging, powerful gradients and a large field of view are standard. The Philips Achieva 1.5T SE MRI also features PowerSave, which ensures the machine uses energy only when needed. PowerSave can reduce your energy costs as much as 50% over comparable MRI systems.
The Philips Achieva 1.5T MRI scanner is a very powerful system featuring high intrinsic homogeneity and a lightweight design. FreeWave digital data acquisition platform comes standard with the Philips Achieva 1.5T MRI scanner, providing it access to Philips' latest and most innovative clinical applications.
MRI Philips achieva 1.5t XR Product Description
- Easy, advanced viewing & processing tools
- Easy and economic transition to 3T
- Same basic look and dimensions as the 3T system
- Zero cryogen boil-off
- High resolution at a fast speed
- Patient friendly wide open bore
Philips Achieva 1.5T SE Features Clinical Applications
- 33mTm peak on axis
- 80 mT/m/ms slew rate
- 8 RF channel standard configuration
- Windows XP OS with 3GB internal memory
- Advanced viewing and processing tools
- One-click SmartExam technology for repeatable results
- Length: 5.15 ft (1.57m)
- Weight: 6393 lbs (2900 kg)
- Fringe Field Footprint: 3.8m x 2.4m - compact for maximum sitting flexibility
- Helium Consumption: as low as 0.03 I/hr - typical - allows for extended refill times
- Wide patient opening: 110cm (43in.) flare
- Patient bore diameter: 60cm (23.6 in., length 60cm
- Patient Comfort: Supports patients weighing up to 250kg (550 lbs) comfortably
Philips Achieva 1.5T SE Clinical Applications
- SmartExam – Available for Brain, Spine, Knee, Shoulder and Breast
- SENSE parallel imaging
Achieva 1.5T Technical Specifications (Tech Specs)
Gantry - Philips Achieva 1.5T
Bore diameter/height of patient opening, cm 110
Overall bore length, cm 157
Bore length with minimum opening, cm 60
In-bore patient comfort features Indirect lighting, adjustable airflow, 2-way headset, soft mattresses, head coil mirror, knee wedge cushion
Magnet - Philips Achieva 1.5T
Strength: 1.5 Tesla
Configuration: Short-bore cylindrical
Homogeneity, ppm V-RMS 1.4 ppm @ 53 cm, 1.18 ppm @ 50 cm, 0.5 ppm @ 40 cm, 0.07 ppm @ 30 cm, 0.03 ppm @ 20 cm, 0.01 ppm @ 10 cm
Dimensions of maximum useful FOV and homogeneity (x, y, z): 53 x 53 x 48 cm
Frequency drift: <0.1 ppm/day
Shielding: Active
Main magnet shimming: Combination
Patient specific shimming: Yes
Cryogen refill frequency: 3 years
Planning and Installation
Overall gantry dimensions (including covers) (W x H x L): 2.2 x 2.1 x 1.8 m
Minimum ceiling height: 3 m
Extent of fringe field (0.5 mT, 5 gauss) in x, y, z directions: 2.4 x 3.8 m
Total weight w/cooling, shielding, gradient/body coil: 6,380 kh (14,065 lbs)
Minimum dimensions of opening required for installation, (W x H): 2.1 x 2.5 m
Minimum installation area for magnet (W x L): 3.6 x 5.4 m
Minimum total installation area for system: 19.5 m2
Total number of cabinets required: 6

Power Consumption
Line Voltage: 480 VAC
Kva: 100
Clinical Use: Whole body
DICOM (Gantry)
Range of Movement
Modality worklist SCU: Standard
MR Image Storage SCU: Standard
Query/Retrieve SCU and SCP: Optional
Storage commitment SCU: Standard
IHE profiles supported: MWL, PPS
Clock speed, GHz (Reconstruction): 3.2
Operating system: Windows
Dedicated RAM: 4 GB
Maximum number of 256 x 256 slices per acquisition sequence: 230
Number of slices per sec (256 matrix): 1230
Maximum matrix: 2048 x 2048
Minimum slice thickness 2-D/3-D: 0.05 mm
Minimum FOV: 0.5 cm
Maximum FOV: 53 cm
Quantitative image analysis tools
Perfusion imaging: Optional
fMRI: Optional
Diffusion imaging: Standard
Diffusion tensor imaging: Optional
Cardiac imaging: Standard
Body imaging: Standard
3-D image reconstruction: Standard
Scanning Techniques
Echo Planar Imaging: Yes, standard
Single shot: Standard
Multi shot: Standard
EPI pulse sequences: MS-EPI, SS-EPI
Maximum EPI factor: 256
Neurologic imaging: Standard
Perfusion: Optional
Diffusion weighted imaging: Standard
Functional MRI: Optional
Spectroscopy (nuclei of interest): Optional
MRA: Standard
Time of flight: Standard
Peripheral: Standard
Bolus tracking: Standard
Interventional MR: Optional
Cine: Standard
Coronary artery: Optional
Ecg gating: VCG standard
Motion compensation: Standard
Prospective respiratory gating: Standard
Maximum number of dimensions: 2
Control Console Workflow
Standard user interface: ScanTools
Number of stored scanning protocols: 999
Local hard disk capacity: 80 GB
Removable media: DVD
Image protocol sharing: ExamCards
Features designed to enhance workflow: SmartExam, NetForum, SameScan, ExamCards, SENSE, Utlilization Management
Patient Table
Detachable (Rotor): Trolley
Horizontal speed: 2, 8, 18 cm/s
Elevating: Yes
Minimum height: 52 cm
Table Load limit
Limited mobility: 250 kg (550 lb) horizontal travel
Fully mobile: 159 kg (350 lb) vertical travel
Sequence Selection
Spin echo (Minimum TR ms)
Minimum TR, 256 matrix, 30 cm FOV: 0.8 msec
Minimum TR, 256 matrix, 10 cm FOV: 0.8 msec
Minimum possible TE: 0.6 msec
Fast-spin-echo max train length: 256
Acoustic Noise
Sound pressure level (SPL) at peak gradient amplitude and slew rate: <25 dB(A) with headset
Reduction technology: SofTone
Philips Achieva 1.5T RF System
Power output: 18 kW
Amplifier type: Solid-state
Standard number of channels: 8
Optional channel configurations: 16, 32
Receiver bandwidth: 300 kHz
Location of coil connector (plug): Gantry face
Standard length of coil cables: 1.2 m
Number of coil connectors (plugs): 2
Coil tuning technique: Automatic
Calibration Technique Automatic
Maximum parallel acquisition acceleration factor: 16 (coil dependent)
Gradient system
Standard name: Pulsar HP
Standard strength, z-axis: 33 mT/m
Standard slew rate, z-axis: 100 T/m/s
Optional strength(s): 33, 66 mT/m
Optional slew rate(s): 180180 T/m/s
Cooling type: Liquid
Amplifier cooling type: Liquid
Philips Achieva 1.5T Coils
Integrated body: Yes
Type: Linear/phase array
Number of elements: 8
Number of independent channels: 8
Head: Standard
Extremity: Lower: Foot/Ankle; Upper: SENSE wrist
Diameter, cm: Phased array
Number of elements: 8
Number of independent channels: 8
Parallel imaging compatible: Yes
Mirrors for patient head: Yes
Tmj: Flex S
Number of elements: 8
Number of independent channels: 8
Neck: SENSE head/neck
Coverage (head to foot): 43 x 35 cm
Number of elements: 8
CTL spine: SENSE head/spine
Coverage (head to foot): 95 x 54 cm
Number of elements: 8
Number of independent channels: 8
Cardiac/abdomen: SENSE torso, torso XL, cardiac
Flexible: Yes
Number of independent channels: Phased array
Breast: Optional
Bilateral: Yes
Biopsy access: Yes
Shoulder: Optional
Dimensions (L x W): 13 x 18 x 20 cm
Number of elements: 8
Number of independent channels: 8
Whole abdomen: SENSE torso XL
Dimensions (L x W): 45 x 65 cm
Number of elements: 8
Number of independent channels: 8
Endocavity: Optional
Length: 30 cm
Number of elements: 8
Number of independent channels: 8
Peripheral vascular: Coil combination
Circular general-purpose: Flex L,M,S
Dedicated parallel imaging: All anatomies
Combined: Yes
Additional (Alarms, high/low): Various, all SENSE compatible coils
Bore diameter/height of patient opening, cm 110
Overall bore length, cm 157
Bore length with minimum opening, cm 60
In-bore patient comfort features Indirect lighting, adjustable airflow, 2-way headset, soft mattresses, head coil mirror, knee wedge cushion
Magnet - Philips Achieva 1.5T
Strength: 1.5 Tesla
Configuration: Short-bore cylindrical
Homogeneity, ppm V-RMS 1.4 ppm @ 53 cm, 1.18 ppm @ 50 cm, 0.5 ppm @ 40 cm, 0.07 ppm @ 30 cm, 0.03 ppm @ 20 cm, 0.01 ppm @ 10 cm
Dimensions of maximum useful FOV and homogeneity (x, y, z): 53 x 53 x 48 cm
Frequency drift: <0.1 ppm/day
Shielding: Active
Main magnet shimming: Combination
Patient specific shimming: Yes
Cryogen refill frequency: 3 years
Planning and Installation
Overall gantry dimensions (including covers) (W x H x L): 2.2 x 2.1 x 1.8 m
Minimum ceiling height: 3 m
Extent of fringe field (0.5 mT, 5 gauss) in x, y, z directions: 2.4 x 3.8 m
Total weight w/cooling, shielding, gradient/body coil: 6,380 kh (14,065 lbs)
Minimum dimensions of opening required for installation, (W x H): 2.1 x 2.5 m
Minimum installation area for magnet (W x L): 3.6 x 5.4 m
Minimum total installation area for system: 19.5 m2
Total number of cabinets required: 6
Power Consumption
Line Voltage: 480 VAC
Kva: 100
Clinical Use: Whole body
DICOM (Gantry)
Range of Movement
Modality worklist SCU: Standard
MR Image Storage SCU: Standard
Query/Retrieve SCU and SCP: Optional
Storage commitment SCU: Standard
IHE profiles supported: MWL, PPS
Clock speed, GHz (Reconstruction): 3.2
Operating system: Windows
Dedicated RAM: 4 GB
Maximum number of 256 x 256 slices per acquisition sequence: 230
Number of slices per sec (256 matrix): 1230
Maximum matrix: 2048 x 2048
Minimum slice thickness 2-D/3-D: 0.05 mm
Minimum FOV: 0.5 cm
Maximum FOV: 53 cm
Quantitative image analysis tools
Perfusion imaging: Optional
fMRI: Optional
Diffusion imaging: Standard
Diffusion tensor imaging: Optional
Cardiac imaging: Standard
Body imaging: Standard
3-D image reconstruction: Standard
Scanning Techniques
Echo Planar Imaging: Yes, standard
Single shot: Standard
Multi shot: Standard
EPI pulse sequences: MS-EPI, SS-EPI
Maximum EPI factor: 256
Neurologic imaging: Standard
Perfusion: Optional
Diffusion weighted imaging: Standard
Functional MRI: Optional
Spectroscopy (nuclei of interest): Optional
MRA: Standard
Time of flight: Standard
Peripheral: Standard
Bolus tracking: Standard
Interventional MR: Optional
Cine: Standard
Coronary artery: Optional
Ecg gating: VCG standard
Motion compensation: Standard
Prospective respiratory gating: Standard
Maximum number of dimensions: 2
Control Console Workflow
Standard user interface: ScanTools
Number of stored scanning protocols: 999
Local hard disk capacity: 80 GB
Removable media: DVD
Image protocol sharing: ExamCards
Features designed to enhance workflow: SmartExam, NetForum, SameScan, ExamCards, SENSE, Utlilization Management
Patient Table
Detachable (Rotor): Trolley
Horizontal speed: 2, 8, 18 cm/s
Elevating: Yes
Minimum height: 52 cm
Table Load limit
Limited mobility: 250 kg (550 lb) horizontal travel
Fully mobile: 159 kg (350 lb) vertical travel
Sequence Selection
Spin echo (Minimum TR ms)
Minimum TR, 256 matrix, 30 cm FOV: 0.8 msec
Minimum TR, 256 matrix, 10 cm FOV: 0.8 msec
Minimum possible TE: 0.6 msec
Fast-spin-echo max train length: 256
Acoustic Noise
Sound pressure level (SPL) at peak gradient amplitude and slew rate: <25 dB(A) with headset
Reduction technology: SofTone
Philips Achieva 1.5T RF System
Power output: 18 kW
Amplifier type: Solid-state
Standard number of channels: 8
Optional channel configurations: 16, 32
Receiver bandwidth: 300 kHz
Location of coil connector (plug): Gantry face
Standard length of coil cables: 1.2 m
Number of coil connectors (plugs): 2
Coil tuning technique: Automatic
Calibration Technique Automatic
Maximum parallel acquisition acceleration factor: 16 (coil dependent)
Gradient system
Standard name: Pulsar HP
Standard strength, z-axis: 33 mT/m
Standard slew rate, z-axis: 100 T/m/s
Optional strength(s): 33, 66 mT/m
Optional slew rate(s): 180180 T/m/s
Cooling type: Liquid
Amplifier cooling type: Liquid
Philips Achieva 1.5T Coils
Integrated body: Yes
Type: Linear/phase array
Number of elements: 8
Number of independent channels: 8
Head: Standard
Extremity: Lower: Foot/Ankle; Upper: SENSE wrist
Diameter, cm: Phased array
Number of elements: 8
Number of independent channels: 8
Parallel imaging compatible: Yes
Mirrors for patient head: Yes
Tmj: Flex S
Number of elements: 8
Number of independent channels: 8
Neck: SENSE head/neck
Coverage (head to foot): 43 x 35 cm
Number of elements: 8
CTL spine: SENSE head/spine
Coverage (head to foot): 95 x 54 cm
Number of elements: 8
Number of independent channels: 8
Cardiac/abdomen: SENSE torso, torso XL, cardiac
Flexible: Yes
Number of independent channels: Phased array
Breast: Optional
Bilateral: Yes
Biopsy access: Yes
Shoulder: Optional
Dimensions (L x W): 13 x 18 x 20 cm
Number of elements: 8
Number of independent channels: 8
Whole abdomen: SENSE torso XL
Dimensions (L x W): 45 x 65 cm
Number of elements: 8
Number of independent channels: 8
Endocavity: Optional
Length: 30 cm
Number of elements: 8
Number of independent channels: 8
Peripheral vascular: Coil combination
Circular general-purpose: Flex L,M,S
Dedicated parallel imaging: All anatomies
Combined: Yes
Additional (Alarms, high/low): Various, all SENSE compatible coils
Other - Philips Achieva 1.5T
Other Attributes: Available in
mobile configuration/ I/T; optional Ambient Experience; 480 V, 65 kVA, 80 A for
the system; 480V, 9 kVA, 30 A for the cryocooler compressor; 480 V, 55 A for
the Schreiber chiller.
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